The Victim and the Trauma Bond in Narcissistic Abuse (3)
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bond. The victim is so hooked on the endless cycle of abuse, reconciliation, and re-abuse. The belief that they can 'love' the abuse out of the narcissist is born from intermittent reinforcement. Pretty much the same as a gambling addiction. It's that one small win, in the face of many losses that keep the victim trapped. A victim can feel physical symptoms of anxiety and fear in the face of 'losing' this person they love so much. Yet, this same person is the source of their greatest torment.

What to say instead

I understand that this is an emotionally and mentally turbulent set of circumstances to be caught up in. I empathise with the duality of your feelings and the fact that you are torn between staying or leaving. How can I help? If listening and validating is all you ca...

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