The Prophet's Library - Bora Reece Part Three
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Nettle graspd Bora's hand and helped her off the ambulance. Without a second thought, Nttle wrapped her arm around Bora's shoulders. Nettle released Bora's left hand and pulled her against her body.

"Can Ms. Bora leave, officer?" Nettle asked the first cop she found. "She needs to get away from here for the day."

"I don't see why not. We hav her number and the keys for the shop." The cop looked to the folded Bora. "I'm sorry for your loss. Gt some rest. We'll call tomorrow."

Bora nodded against Nettle's arm.

The cabbie stopped by the two women, his eyes plastered on the scne before him. "What happened?" his two-pack a day growl spoke.

"Traumatic day." Nettle helped Bora into the cab and slid in behind her.


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