Chapter 15 - Rudra’s Own (2)
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which led past her home. He will try you to the utmost, he uttered cryptically, but you must not succumb.

What could he possibly mean? Dizzily, Ishvari saw that he held aloft a bowl fashioned from a human skull in his right hand, in his left, a smoldering firebrand. He exuded so macabre a sensuality that suddenly she was raging with desire. He smiled, baring jagged teeth as he held her gaze with the chilling power of his own. Grabbing his erect organ, with a shriek all Melukhha must have heard, he uprooted it and threw it to the earth, where it exploded into a geyser of opalescent fire. 

Weak-kneed with alternating waves of desire and disbelief, Ishvari sank to her haunches before him. You must refrain, the ascetic spoke clearly and sweetly, his voice like flowing hone...

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