“Throughout the semester, this class featured several guest speakers. One of them was a Presbyterian minister who happened to be a chaplain at Yale University. His name was William Sloane Coffin, and he later became pretty famous as an anti-war activist. These guest lectures were usually pretty dry stuff, but Coffin was different&">

The Monk (2)
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South, but I didn’t follow it especially closely. My junior year I was in a class on the Church’s modern relationship with other Christians and the ways priests could work together with other denominations or religions and not violate our principles. Today we might call it “Interfaith Outreach.” My friends and I called it “how to talk to Prods,” which was our word for Protestants. It was basically a fluff class, an easy A.

“Throughout the semester, this class featured several guest speakers. One of them was a Presbyterian minister who happened to be a chaplain at Yale University. His name was William Sloane Coffin, and he later became pretty famous as an anti-war activist. These guest lectures were usually pretty dry stuff, but Coffin was different&...

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