Jazz Men (2)
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The sound of footsteps descending from the upper floor heralded the arrival of Imp to the room. In one hand, she had the valise she used for carrying her evidence collection kit. Devil Cat stood so quickly that his chair rocked back and threatened to fall over.
"So, all done then?" he said.
"I've got as much as I think I'm going to get. Are you done talking to Mrs. Pickering?"
"Ah, yes. It's been a real pleasure, ma'am," Devil Cat said to Mrs. Pickering. "If you think of anything further, you will contact the police, won't you?"
Mrs. Pickering stood and walked over to him. "Oh, yes. Yes. And you take care of yourself, Mr. Cat. You too, Mrs. Cat."
"It's just Imp, ma'am," she said. "Mr. Cat...
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