27 ~ Shal’s Great Adventure (1)
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Shal whirled around, expecting to see some kind of creature behind her.

Nothing was there.

The sunlight sparkled on the snow, which lay upon the trees and rocks. Runley showed no sign of stress or anxiety. The air was quiet except for the low sounds coming from Giska’s throat.

“Giska, there’s no one here,” Shal told her.

The gargoyle did not look at Shal, but continued emitting the same sounds.

She must be seeing shadows Shal thought to herself. “Giska, I don’t hear or see anything. Why don’t we hurry and rejoin the others, okay?”

Giska looked at her; the yellow eyes stared deep and piercing.

Shal guessed if gargoyles could talk and tell one not to be stupid, that would be what Giska was telling her....

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