Chapter Four (Kate)
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Kate moaned as she lay face-up on her bed.  She had tried, really tried, to be nice to Sybille and she’d just been a jerk.  It had taken all of Kate’s strength to apologize and now she had nothing.  She stared at her stippled, sparkly ceiling.  Sybille had thought they were princesses when they were little because of their sparkly ceilings.  Now Kate wished she could paint it black.

She had felt so great only hours ago.  Her first time – Outside with fireworks exploding overhead, with the boy she’d dreamed of for such a long time.  And he wanted her.  She thought.  Now he said he was mistaken.  That he thought she was Sybille.  Could that possibly be true?  Could all of his touches and kisses have been mea...

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