Chapter Seventeen (Theresa)
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At 3:30 a.m., Theresa woke in a panic, wondering what she had gotten herself into.  She had fallen asleep almost as soon as she squirmed her way into her sleeping bag.  She went over every moment of her time with both Kirk and Drake at camp until she drifted off again. 

She must have slept deeply because it was after ten o’clock when she finally woke again.  Her cabin was empty and Theresa wondered how she could have dozed through all the noise that usually accompanied a morning in her cabin. 

“Randi?” she asked the empty cabin, hoping her friend was reading quietly in some unseen corner.  She received no answer and so she peeked down at Randi’s neatly made bed, hoping for a note.  There was nothing and Theresa remembered the h...

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