STORMBREAK Episode 18: Later, Back At the Ranch...
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Previously, in Stormbreak: After a fantastic struggle, Xena has wrestled the helicopter into the trailing edge of a Category 1 hurricane. It's Miller time…

Six weeks had passed since Mac rode the winds of a thunderstorm and learned admiration for a better, cooler pilot than himself. The special lessons of tracking and teasing killer storms had given way to daily runs to keep up flight hours. School was over. Now he got paid to essentially do nothing.

He spent a lot of time in the air. Sometimes, he and Bird, or he and Xena, took a chopper to Lubbock or Midland for some decent chow or to see a movie. Or he rode with Peekaboo in her spanking new V-22 Osprey with its fancy tilt-rotor engines and vertical takeoff and landing capabilities. The plane was hers, or...

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