The Seraglio (5)
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Mikal slowed the Korova as he pulled up into a small town. Experience suggested caution, for he knew the town’s largest source of revenue was almost certainly the speeding tickets it exacted from impatient out-of-towners. True to form, as he passed through the second stoplight, signaling the end of town, he caught a glimpse of a squad car, parked behind a billboard advertising a hemorrhoid cream. “Wouldn’t do to get stopped for a ticket,” he thought, amused. But as he left the town limits, he pushed the car faster again. Please subscribe to keep reading.
“Have you ever wondered why it is that if something falls under a bed, it always ends up out of reach?”
It was during one particularly vile winter, in which daily tussles of powdered sugar whirled around the community of Clarion with singular...