Chapter Six: The Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom (5)
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IDF Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yisrael Weiss.


In an article calling Rabbi Weiss a political appointee, Rabbi Segal accused Rabbi Weiss of com-mitting several serious sins by telling IDF soldiers to obey orders to expel Israelis from their homes in Gush Katif.

Rabbi Segal wrote, “He is assisting in murder – a sin for which the punishment is stoning, assisting in immoral relations – a sin which one should die rather than commit, assisting in desecration of the Sabbath - a sin for which the punishment is stoning, and assisting in neglecting the mitzvah [positive command] to settle the land which is considered equivalent to the entire Torah.”

Justice Ilta Ziskind of the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that Rabbi Segal’s criticism crossed the lines of legality. “Ev...

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