The fact that Israel gave Eichmann due process, protected him with a bullet-proof booth and did not torture him demonstrates that he certainly received more justice than the millions of victims of his crimes.  Many other nations, like Russia, would have had Eichmann assassinated without a trial.


Israel could have killed Eichmann in Buenos Aires, but brought him alive to have a trial witnessed by the world.  Not many nations who suffered the deaths of millions of relatives would have given the creator of the “Final Solution” due process and a fair trial.  It is important to realize that Israel was only 13 years old at the time, a nascent democracy.  Eichmann’s cruelty and inhumanity was met with justice.


Chapter Four: The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (3)
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margin-right:0in">The fact that Israel gave Eichmann due process, protected him with a bullet-proof booth and did not torture him demonstrates that he certainly received more justice than the millions of victims of his crimes.  Many other nations, like Russia, would have had Eichmann assassinated without a trial.


Israel could have killed Eichmann in Buenos Aires, but brought him alive to have a trial witnessed by the world.  Not many nations who suffered the deaths of millions of relatives would have given the creator of the “Final Solution” due process and a fair trial.  It is important to realize that Israel was only 13 years old at the time, a nascent democracy.  Eichmann’s cruelty and inhumanity was met with justice.


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