The Beginning: Part 3
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The villagers moved towards Jyak Wyk as one. They grabbed weapons from the destruction around them, broken pieces of wood to use as clubs, jagged metal rods to use as spears.

“No! It wasn’t me!” Jyak tried to protest, but he knew it was a lie. The crystal had given him a choice. He could have dropped it and walked away, but he’d wanted the power. When that energy surged into him, it destroyed everything and everyone around him. His father, Rini... they were dead, because of him.

Jyak looked down at the shard in his hand. Before it had been glowing blue, but now the light was gone and now it looked like just another cheap piece of quartz. With nothing else to protect himself with, he aimed at the crowd and threw the crystal.

“KILL HIM!!!” Someone...

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