Chain Reaction (1996) – Good on Thrill but Wanting in Science
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The ‘80s set, or popularized rather, a trend of sci-fi action thrillers. The ‘90s furthered this trend with many movies not enhancing or even keeping enough of the sci-fi element in the production. Andrew Davis’ Chain Reaction (1996) is one of those action thrillers that are sold as sci-fi but are really thrillers on the inside.
Like other movies from the ‘80s and ‘90s that are dominantly action and thrillers but carry a little science element in their premise, Chain Reaction is about a potentially game-changing energy production experiment using a fusion reactor. A team of scientists are working on the production of clean energy from the hydrogen in water. The project is doomed to fail as bad actors try to seize the technology, the government is involved, and the guy (...
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