Rozia's U-Log
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They tell me it is time to start living. I’m well again, so they say, and I’ve got to get interested in life again.  That I’m lucky to be alive, in fact. That perhaps I should start posting the Universal Log again. I used to be good at it. Everybody liked watching my log.

So, here we go. But, ha! I’m using Wordscript. Partly because I know what’s coming. “So what’s he like, then as a lover? The Peace Child? Is he good in bed?”

He is a wonderful lover. Sweet, gentle, and at times passionate. Wonderfully losing control. Always honest. And yes, I do have something to compare it with. I was certainly not a virgin the first time we slept together. Neither was he.

That’s it now. I’ve said it. So, I’ll never have to answer that question again.

You’ll only get the answer if you can read Wordscript. Gosh, Kaleem’s good at it. He can key it in faster than you can say the words. But this has taken me almost a Terrestran hour so far.    

He’s still there, in the Z Zone, and he won’t answer my communicator. He could, but he won’t. He said he was sending me back because he loves me. He said he can’t be with me because he loves me. It’s too dangerous, to be the Peace Child’s partner.

The Adulkis keep sending me messages.

I have to go now. I have to go and cry. Is this U-Log a good idea? I really don’t know. 

Next: Day 287 3519

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