To: ComOutOps

From: ComOutSig

Time/Date: 11.33.03.local_11_10_AU76 (footnote 2)

RE: Unity Sensor Station 43.11.0/97_89.13.56/41 (SUNPRAIRIE)


Prologue & Chapters 1 & 2, The Hunt and Reincorporation
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The message impeded upon the gray man’s notice unbidden. With the faintest suggestion of an interface, it rose up before him through his Outside-Above interface. (footnote 1) After years of use, the imperceptible biosensory device implanted in his brain, allowing him to use the Unity’s CORE (Concepts of Reality Engineering Inc.) cyberspace, was just the habit of life.

In an earlier age, it might have appeared as follows:

To: ComOutOps

From: ComOutSig

Time/Date: 11.33.03.local_11_10_AU76 (footnote 2)

RE: Unity Sensor Station 43.11.0/97_89.13.56/41 (SUNPRAIRIE)

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