Ain't No Sunshine Before The Dawn
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I used to be a morning person.  Then I gave birth to a morning person, and now, not so much.

I cannot speak in full sentences until I've had at least two cups of coffee, a workout, the blood of a unicorn, checked my email, packed lunches, spun 33 times clockwise, sang a showtune and then showered. I purposely awake at 4:30 to accomplish all of this before the kids rise. 

My 9 year old is typically downstairs by the time I've started the coffee pot.

Why?  Why on God's green earth is he up?  There is nothing happening between the hours of 4-6am that need his attention. 

Reader, don't get me wrong, I adore the shit out of this kid. He's my first born, and my only boy.  However, I do not care to discuss his "Top 10 Favorite Me...

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