FAQs: Interrogations Draw Unexpected Links (5)
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is a boogeyman, should I say, since we as young 'uns got tole all the stories as a way of makin' us behave. But he's more like a werewolf, say, than a boogeyman on TV."

"Yeah. It looked more like a werewolf than anything," Isabella said.

"Imagine so," Chad said. "That's what we was always tole comin' up."

The moss was hanging overhead, darkening the area around them. "So you're an expert on this thing," Jamison said. "Before we get to wherever you say it lives, is there anything we should know about it?"

"Well, you seen 'im already, and y'all deal with these things all the time, so I hear. I didn't bring y'all out here to kill 'im, understand, like I said he ain't gonna be here if we lookin&...

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