Chapter 19: anticipated revelations
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It was dark. Pitch black, in fact. Freddie May wondered where the phrase ‘pitch black’ came from. He closed his eyes and read out the words in front of him: ‘Pitch is a black, viscous, and slightly elastic material that is really like tar. Pitch and tar are words that are often used interchangeably, although pitch is more viscous and solid that tar. The phrase “pitch black” may date back to Homer’s Iliad around 850 BC, if not earlier.’ Freddie May opened his eyes. He determined to take more of an interest in Latin lessons from now on.

Surely Vanilla 1 and Vanilla 2 would have raised the alarm by now? He smiled to himself knowing how much Vanessa and Camilla hated being called Vanilla and a number. He had stopped using the word. Out loud, that is; inside, they wer...

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