Meats and Main Dishes - Poor Man Steak
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My favorite Sunday meal has always been Poor Man Steak. When I was younger, I thought it must be a lucky poor man to eat such a good meal. It wasn't a meal that we had often, but it was so good! I would have gladly eaten it every Sunday!
I had never made Poor Man Steak myself, because it always seemed so daunting and I have no illusions of myself being in the same league as my mother and grandmother. So, after my mother passed away in 2011, no one made it. Then a couple of years ago my sister and I were talking food, of course. And we talked about how much we loved Poor Man Steak so we decided to give it a try. That first bite and I was instantly transported back in time to my grandmothers big dining table.
It is really so simple...
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