What is an Alpha Man? (1)
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Many people are usually confused about what an alpha male is. Some argue that there’s no term as an alpha man and it’s a term that can’t apply to people. Others give the term meanings that don’t make sense. Today you’re in luck because I’m going to talk about it.


The term “alpha” male is derived from gorillas and wolves, and is very applicable to men. In a gorilla or wolf society, the alpha male is the one that mates with all the females and produces puppies. They also get to eat first before the rest of the pack. They are the leader. Among gorillas, the alpha male is the dominant silverback (adult male) that leads the daily activities and travels of the group and makes sure there’s cohesion. He also defends the group from outside intruders. He mates with all the females as soon as they begin to ovulate.

There are also arguments that different personality types are categorized in a Social-Sexual Hierarchy. According to this perspective, alpha men are self-confident, outgoing, and enterprising. Betas are collaborative and introverted. Deltas are aloof, resentful, and private. Sigmas are like alphas, but they prefer to be lone. Omegas are eccentric, nerdy, and laid back. Gammas are adventurous, fun-loving, and restless.

According to Kevin Samuels, the late renowned, red-pilled American dating coach, a high-value man has the following characteristics:

This definition focuses imperatively on the beta bucks side of hypergamy and status. But when it comes to intersexual dynamics, the hierarchies aforementioned don’t really matter. We only discuss alphas and betas because women come into the equation.

Factually speaking, an alpha man has two primary characteristics;

  1. Dominance
  2. Options

#1. Alpha is a Mindset and is Contextual

            Being an alpha is a mindset. It’s the mindset that creates what we see externally. Rollo Tomassi says that you’re not an alpha because of your achievements. You have achievements because you’re an alpha. You can either be born with an alpha mindset or develop it in the course of your life. Alpha behaviors are manifestations of an alpha mindset. Girls will gravitate towards a school teacher who’s a schmuck out here. But in the classroom, he’s seen as an alpha by the girls. Thus, being an alpha is contextual. They say that jogoo wa shamba hawiki mjini. The cock in the village doesn’t crow when it’s taken to the city.

#2. An Alpha is Dominant.

            In order for you to be an alpha, you must rise above a certain degree of common mediocrity, depending on the context. Alphas prioritize their mission and that’s how they excel and dominate. If they’re athletes, they’re disciplined, outwork everyone else, and become the strongest people in the group. Being an alpha requires you to dominate a certain field. Your mastery of a skill or your possession of an ability (can be genetic), must make you stand above the crowd. And that’s how an alpha man differentiates himself from others. It should be a skill or ability that makes other men respect and admire you. When we talk about dominance, we’re talking about competence hierarchies. Because of their dominance and skills, alphas attract resources, hence tend to be rich. Will Smith, for example, despite him being a beta male, is an alpha man at acting.

            Because of the female nature of hypergamy, which is a dualistic mating strategy, men realize that being on the alpha fucks side of hypergamy is better than being on the beta bucks side. The beta male provisioner is being used as a utility, but the alpha is sexually desired, gets to bang the females, and has paternity. Securing paternity is imperative for men. It’s hard-wired in us. That’s why in the Bible, God chooses virgin Mary to be the mother of Christ, and prostitutes are treated much differently. The virgin is the ideal woman. The woman will say that she wants the three sixes; 6 feet tall, 6 pack, and a 6 figure salary. But a man with a 6 figure salary hardly has time to have a 6 pack. So the woman plays and gets the best of both worlds. And that’s why good men fail paternity tests. The alpha man imposes his will upon the world. He doesn’t really care about what others think. He just does what he decides to do.

#3. An Alpha has Options.

            An alpha is generally defined as a man that other men want to be and women want to bang. Thus, an alpha man easily has sexual access to women because they want him. This is what is called having options. Having options makes the man alpha, it’s like their bargaining chip. A man without options acts out of necessity, an alpha doesn’t pursue, he’s pursued. The options are a fallback because it means that the alpha is not desperate. He doesn’t have to tolerate unpleasant situations like having a bad boss or condone a nasty wife. If you have no options or have options yet lack the balls to exercise them, then you’re not an alpha male.

            An alpha man can also have options if, because of his resources or mindset, can chart a new path in life, shape his lifestyle, whichever way he wants, and so on. An alpha man jealously guards his most important resources; his ability to maneuver and his independence. In essence, he guards his options and ability to exercise them. True power isn’t about controlling others. It’s about the degree to which you control the course of your own life and choices.

            A man should be strong so that he has the option to resort to violence if it comes to it. Only such a man can be said to be peaceful. A weak man cannot

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