Dear Reader - Apology for absence, explanation, update!
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Hello again my friends!

There has been so much happening these days, it has been nearly impossible to keep up. I regret to inform you all that my marriage was quite troubled and we are now working on a divorce. Fret not, I am doing much better about it than I thought I would be, although initially I didn't handle it all so well. I've been very ill for the past year, as has my soon-to-be ex-husband, but we are both working toward recovery and are finding new paths for ourselves. There are many silver linings during this confusing and difficult time. I hope all of you are doing as best you can with the recent pandemic crisis, I know it's a scary time. In any case! I am finally getting back on my feet and am very anxious to add new chapters to the series. I've missed writing more than...

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