Of Ancient Lineage (2)
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Marco Polo’s Book, also mentions rukhs soaring over Madagascar. He believed them to be griffons, and specified that they were not half lion and half bird, but simply enormous eagles. It was later, after his accounts were published, that many came to the conclusion he had mistaken one beast for the other. The rukhs of Madagascar had wings 30 paces long with feathers 12 paces long, and would pick up elephants and carry them into the air, dropping them onto the ground from great heights and feeding on the pulverized remains. A rukh feather was brought as a gift to the Great Khan, who was greatly pleased with it.

However, the rukh bird must not be confused with the persian’s camel-like urine-spouting animal of the same name, described by al-Mas’udi. This grounded rukh may also be related to the rook...

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