One Alone is Company Enough
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They said, Two heads are better than one.

He would politely disagree.



In Greek mythology, Geryon was the son of Chrysaor and Callirrhoe, hence grandson of Medusa. A fearsome giant, he dwelt on the island of Erytheia, in the far west of the Mediterranean Sea, in the company of the mythic Hesperides, Nymphs of the West.


Geryon was a very strange giant, he had three bodies, three heads, and—in later accounts from medieval bestiaries and religious texts—four wings, all together in one massive figure. He owned a herd of man-eating cattle, whose coats were tinged red by the light of sunset. Greek hero, Herakles, captured this blood-colored herd as one of his twelve works. It was Eurystheus—king of Tiryns—who commanded...

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