Ice and Frost
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When he came to the world, life stopped.
It all went back to its germen. Its original seed.
To renew. To restart. To be reborn.
He walks on ice and frost.
He has gifted us winter. A gift of death.
For only in death can the world be born again.

In its weather chapter, the Tepepulco Codex, a recording of Aztec times and traditions, describes a series of meteorological seasons. To do so, it shapes each season into the figure of a mystical being, the gods Eheeatl, Tlaloe, and Itztlaeoliuhqui.

In respect to the wintertime, the Tepepulco Codex, reads:

“In the year cycle the presence of Itztlacoliuhqui means the arrival of frost, and the following days of cold. And we say that the cold is over, only twenty...

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