Daisy Miller on ‘The Literary Hook’ (2)
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it all Miss Wharton. Maybe I was somehow better in escaping marriage though that was only saving the body; the rest matters more to me and it was gone already.

EW: Still you left a trail behind, and we followed it. We owe you more than we have acknowledged. Enjoy your stay in Los Angeles, and stay safe.

Daisy: Thank you Miss Wharton. You are the best as always!

JB: Thanks Miss Wharton! That was Edith Wharton, novelist and a literary giant in American literature, an expert on society and gender relations, particularly in New York’s society. So Miss Miller, this new question is from Vincent, a student of cultural studies in Joliet, Illinois, and he wants to ask you how did women do swimming in your time given that there were no bikinis?


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