Alcoholic A-Z
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A is for ale.
Very light and pale. 
It's an old man's tale. 

B is for beer. 
Of course, it's got to be here. 
Always good to have one near. 

C is for cider. 
The tongue becomes a rider. 
Makes the brain go wilder. 

D is for Damascan Punch.
Goes well with your lunch.
The ice cubes pack a crunch. 

E is for Egg nog. 
A favourite for the cheeky frog
Who loves a Christmas snog. 

F is for Fluffy Critter.
Never be a quitter: 
It makes your mind glitter.

G is for gin
That I bought from Flynn. 
Passing it down to my next-of-kin.

H is for Heineken,
Sold by the Chinamen,
And bought by the riflemen.

I is f...

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