LOTW-Chapter 7 (3)
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“I be his mama.”

     “I be his daed.”

     “But I be carryin him in my body for nine months.  I be givin birth to him.  I be nursin him at my breast.  I be sittin up with him all night during mumps, measles, chicken pox, croup, stomach flu’s.  He be comin to me, cryin, when he skinned his knees, he be screamin for me when he be havin nightmares.  I be makin him peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and sweet lemonade like he liked it.  His favorite Bible story was David and Goliath and he be wantin me to tell him that story every time he was sick.  To him, that was better than my chicken noodle soup.  How much he couldn’t be waitin to have his own kinner and be tellin them Bible stori...

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