Chapter Nineteen: Gods and Monsters (4)
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The lion looked around. "There's power here, but there was power on the mountainside as well."

Kensei looked around, trying to focus on the spiritual aspects of the hall, which proved hard since everything here was spiritual. The throne seemed to form the heart of the place. Kensei sat in the seat and felt the power radiating all around her, lines of power extending out into infinity. Some were thick as tree trunks, others as fine as silk thread. As she thought of Ashley, she could sense her friend and thin lines of power reaching out to her.

Kensei focused on one of these lines and brought her sword down on it. It severed the line, which snapped back and struck Kensei across the face. She clutched at her face as tears and blood welled up. After several deep, shuddering breaths she...

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