Chapter Nineteen: Gods and Monsters (2)
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Kensei picked herself up off the ground and dusted off her costume. The door stood open, with a couple skinny kids from her school standing guard on either side. The inner circle, Kensei assumed. She ran at them, and barely slowed enough to cut their wings before continuing into the lair.

Owls perched all around the room, watching her from the rafters. The wind came in behind Kensei, roared upward, and scattered the birds. Some hit the ceiling and fell to the ground. The wind pushed others downward, hollow bones splintering against the concrete before they returned to more human forms. Before Kensei could act to bring her spirit to heel, an apple arced over the railing of the loft above her and bounced across the floor. The large serpent of wind became many smaller ones that turned upon each other. The wind...

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