Chapter Four: Back on the Street (2)
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The boy ahead of Kensei shoved a garbage can across the alleyway to slow her. She vaulted over it and continued the chase. Spirits of the buildings poked their heads through the walls on either side. Even in the dark of the alley, they stood out. Unfortunately, the small bits of debris were less obvious. The only consolation Kensei had was that the person she chased stumbled more than she did.
He shot out of the end of the alley into the street and was greeted by the blare of a car horn as it screeched to a stop next to him. He stumbled in surprise, for a moment staring wide-eyed into the headlights. Kensei tripped over a box in the darkness, making enough racket to break him from his reverie. He turned and continued running into the next alleyway. The car resumed moving forward, blocking Kensei'...
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