Chapter Eight: Black and White Feathers (1)
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My chest rose and fell, rose and fell, as I stared at the snake. Father’s sign on my hand. The circle in the floorboards. This was bad, very, very bad. I scrambled over the aboveground and slumped against the tree, so the giant root hid the snake’s body from my sight.

All I wanted was to close my eyes, sleep, forget all that had happened, sleep forever. Even if I got outside, why would Joely want to see me? Even if there was a kind Leader, why would he want to know me? Tears flowed down my cheeks and mingled with the rainwater that never stopped falling. Soon, I couldn’t breathe. The growing darkness outdoors became darkness in my mind.

Then, I saw him, standing in front of me in human form again.

“Niel, I never told you leaving would be easy...

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