From Tucker Carlson to Yard Boys: A Hilarious Journey through Burning Man, United Airlines, Glitch McConnell, Oh Nebraska, Proud Boys, and a Lake Mich (3)
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he had to scratch his head and say, 'Well, this is a new one.'

'Burning Man is always a bit of a challenge,' Ed declared, 'and this year was an interesting and different challenge.' Translation: 'I didn't expect to need a kayak and a snorkel for this desert adventure.'

But you know what they say, adversity builds character, and these Burners probably discovered more about themselves sitting in traffic for 7 hours trying to leave this makeshift swamp than they did in all their years of attending Burning Man. Who needs self-help books when you've got nature's waterworks to test your patience and resilience?

And just when they thought they'd escaped the watery chaos and finally made it to the airport, United Airlines decided to give them a taste of 'Burning M...

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