A Weekend Medley: Trump's Mugshot, Santana's Humor, and Chicago's Delights (2)
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maestro himself, graced the stage and decided to play philosopher between tunes. Amidst the applause, Santana unleashed a gem that surely left the audience wondering if they'd accidentally wandered into a stand-up comedy night. Picture it: Santana, center stage, basking in the spotlight. He confidently asserts, "When God made you and me — before we emerged from the womb, and no, this isn't a biology lesson, folks — some took the scenic route through the vagina, others opted for the avant-garde c-section, and then there were the true trailblazers who emerged gloriously from the closet." Bravo, Santana, for offering the audience an unexpected blend of anatomy, obstetrics, and interior design. But wait, there's more! Our philosophical troubadour then pondered aloud about the peculiar habit of famous folks f...

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