I Killed the Flies
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I’m sure most of you have lived in a place where at one time you had a seasonal problem with some type of insect. In the many different places I’ve lived, I’ve had issues with ants (the teeny, teeny ones), ants (the big and crunchy ones), and in one house one year we had an infestation of wasps after they built their home in the eaves (where my apartment and storage closet were).

I’ve been in this same apartment now for seven years, and almost every year right about this time of June, July, and August I have a problem with flies.

Have you ever tried to sleep with a mosquito in the room?

This is worse than that.

The funny thing is, it hasn’t been every year; maybe it’s been closer to every other year. Either way, I now own 3 fly swatters (th...

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