Bryn Perriman: A Dedicated Man
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The night was long but so was my memory of that poor boy. He has spent an equal amount of time on my mind as the beast. I felt the confliction of charity and duty but I couldn’t get his face out of my head. Looking down at that poor rag, wrapped tightly around my leg, was difficult to forget. I could only look into those sad eyes of his for a moment, it brought back images I wanted to forget, regardless of their importance. I knew better though; I couldn’t allow myself to become lost in his sorrow when there was so much at stake. I still have a job to do.

 I couldn’t confirm what had been seen in the Scheldt but my gut told me it was H. Proteus. I know I heard that goddamn whine. My men began shooting blindly into the water, their fear of the beast had gotten th...

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