Part V—Lupus Rex | Chapter 41—Inperium (3)
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Bill, sitting in James’s old spot, smirked. “Just that simple, huh, Chief?”
Angelina knew Bill’s snide remark was preplanned. Aaron needed someone to ask the dumb question, to get it out on the table so they could talk about it. It worked like a charm. He had everyone’s attention.
Aaron grinned a bashful smile. “Well, the devil is in the details.”
Father Thomas, on cue, interjected. “I know something about tradition. The church is rife with it. ‘We can’t do that. It’s not done that way.’ You may be onto something here, Aaron.” He addressed the Conclave. “I can assure you that the official position of Lucerna Veritatis would be to live and let live if the wildlings could control themselves as easily as you’ve been control...
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