Chapter 33—Bill and Glen Benson (1)
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Chapter 33—Bill and Glen Benson
Spring 1977
The day after their escape through the woods, Bill and Glen were in Howie’s shop repairing Bertha’s front differential. Glen, being the mechanic of the two, was under the front end of Bertha while Bill was handing tools back and forth. Bill examined Glen’s arms while they worked. “Those scratches on your arms are almost healed up. What gives, dude?”
“I don’t know. Something weird, no doubt.” He rolled out from under Bertha and sat up, resting his forearms on his knees. “I’ve been thinking about what we saw. We might have been a little stoned, but we weren’t on PCP or any other hallucinogen. What we saw was real. I think it was a werewolf,...
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