A bunch of misfits and wackadoodles
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Once upon a time, conservatives used to respect the government and follow the norms of a just society. Conservatives used to scoff at the outliers of society and call them liberals or hippies. Now they are just a bunch of misfits and wackadoodles. It is what they used to call liberals. 

A wackadoodle is an eccentric or fanatical person who believes such things as the world is coming to an end. I hear this from Trump republicans every day as they complain about supply shortages and long service delays. A misfit is a person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way. These are those anti-vaxxers who claim the government is overreaching to save their miserable lives. They quickly forget their false god Trump fostered the creation of the vaccine and was first in...

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