Have You Been Watching? (1)
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Humanitarian: A Dying Breed? If you look in the mirror, what do you see? A Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or something else. Maybe you don't care for politics. I wouldn't blame you if you felt a little turned off by all the bickering, political ads, and protests. I swear, if I get one more email begging for money, I will close my email account and go dark. Why can't these politicians solve simple problems? Is government a game show where the contestants pay to watch and award prizes to the hosts? Insane if you think about it. All the drama of politics. Who needs it? 

I am a fix-it kind of guy. If something breaks, I try to fix it. I pride myself on being a Master Handyman. I do not fear using tools, duct tape, or Gorilla glue. It isn't that I am cheap; I want things to work the way they should work. Fixing is my approach to various social, political, and economic problems. I also believe in the axiom that if it isn't broken, don't try to fix it. I am afraid there are a lot of things that need fixing. 

Each week or so, I will identify one of the many things that need to be fixed and put my fingers to work on the old keyboard. You may agree or disagree with the fix by posting your solution. Merely stating the fix won't work isn't enough. You must explain why it will not work or hold together over time. I will select the best criticism and endorsement each week and post it with my comments. 

I am a philosopher and a master handyman. I have made a lot of money as a handyman and next to nothing as a philosopher. The problem is no one goes to the Yellow Pages or Angie's List to find a philosopher to fix a problem. Recently, there has been an explosion of conspiracy theories circulating in the media and at social gatherings - even a past president mouthed some of them, resulting in a riot and scores of injuries and deaths. 

A philosopher is a person who reveals the truth. A scientist deals with facts and comes up with theories that can be proven. A philosopher's job is to cut through the lies and fears and destroy the misconceptions that lead to conspiracy thinking. 

I titled this series "Help Wanted Philosopher" instead of "Humanitarian A Dying Breed" because I have never seen such a help-wanted ad in all my years. Humanitarianism is a philosophy, and a true philosopher is a humanitarian. A person might say humanitarianism is a political position. I say it is an objective view of a position. Objectivism has gotten a bad reputation over the last few decades, and the Republicans are wholly responsible for that. Flash news - Ayn Rand was not a Republican or a Conservative. Ayn Rand was an objectivist and philosopher.

Humans have many flaws and are far from perfect. They face a myriad of challenges and decisions each day. The odds of a misstep are pretty unfavorable. The only person who never makes a mistake or an error in judgment- resides in a cemetery. The world is far from perfect and not even near to being fair. Given those apparent factoids, there is no harm in trying to fix a few things and hoping the repairs hold together.

So please join me or humor me. Like Yoda stated, "There is no try - just do." I do fixes and try to make you do something to repair the damage already done.


Problem #1: Climate Change
First, this seems to be a scientific problem, not a philosophical one. I'm afraid I have to disagree with the assertion that scientists are the problem and the solution to the problem. Scientists deal with facts, and plenty of points prove climate change is a real problem. Irrational individuals blame scientists for sounding the alarm. A person might as well blame a smoke detector for beeping when its battery is low. Only a corrupted scientist would disagree with the analysis of the data. People who deny that climate change is real have either a mental problem or investments in climate-destroying businesses. 

Many believe or hope scientists will solve the problem of climate change by using reversing technology. Scientists will come up with a vaccine to stop the pandemic's spread of air and water pollution. Scientists will invent a refrigerator to cool the planet or find a way to prevent the extinction of a growing number of plant and animal species. Although these fixes would be game-changing, I don't think such technology will be the holy grail. The odds are it will be too late for millions of people who will suffer the consequences of climate change and global warming. 

I would be remorseful in not pointing out the religious zealot's point of view that climate change is God's will or that God will save us. Faith is like believing your dog could balance your checkbook. No matter how hard you pray for the dog to get it right, it will not happen unless you do it yourself.

So the problem is not a scientific one or a religious one. It also is not some conspiracy designed to take away our right to wage war, have backyard bar-b-ques, or use plastic bags for groceries. The problem is philosophical. 

The first step in solving any problem is investigation. Since we already know the causes of climate change and global warming, we must confront the causes. It requires the second step in solving the problem - recognizing that it is a problem. The first step in an alcoholic's recovery is admitting they have a problem with drinking alcohol. As a society, we must publicly acknowledge that we have a problem with global warming and pollution problem.  Similar to alcohol rehab, we need to stop the things that contribute to the problem. The alcoholic has to stop drinking and hanging around in places that serve alcohol. The alcoholic also needs to cultivate new friends and obtain a sponsor. 

We as a society must stop polluting the air and water and clean up the mess caused by human activity. Yes, humans are the problem and the ultimate solution. The rest of the world and I are responsible for climate change. As taxpayers and volunteers, we need to sponsor efforts to stop the polluters and destroyers of the environment. There is only one right side in this fight. You (yeah, you!) either must lead, follow, or get out of the way. 

Philosophically, there is no try just do. The alcoholic must not drink alcohol. As a society, we need to face the sobering truth that the planet cannot continue this destructive course. Life cannot go on the way it is, or we as an international community will die a painful death. Here is a bit of prose I wrote highlighting what happens when we do nothing but watch.

I watched as the Rain Forests disappeared
I watched as the Plastic Floated on the Oceans
I watched as the Hurricanes destroyed the Islands
I watched as the Wild Fires burned the Homes

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