Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty Four (6)
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“We both lost a loved one to the darkness in this war, so I know how you feel.” Finger pressed against Saida's lips when she protested, Vanima said, “You don’t have to lie to yourself let alone a dying elf like me. The darkness killed my first love before I became a wolf and met Elwin."

No tears could ever fall after she lost her eyes, but Saida sobbed all the same. Vanima pulled her in, hugged the elf, and said, “I'm not saying you must find someone new. If I can find love twice, then anyone can. Just be open to the possibility. Ievis was a remarkable warrior.”

Composed once more, Saida stood up and grinned.

“I'm curious. Did you ever have any kids?”

Put off by the sudden question, Vanima stood speechless before...

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