Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty Four (5)
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As they drew near the hidden tomb, Vanima felt the lingering wisps of energy. The thought of joining her mate and letting go of this mortal body was comforting. She let her mind wander in and out of the memories washing up to her consciousness. Pausing on a particular vision left her longing for her old body back. A single chance to hold her loved one close to her chest. Not wanting to let this desire fade, Vanima reached out.

Could you indulge me one last time?

Fariane, Asena, Saida, Penelo, and Qamara all stopped to look at the wolf in Fariane’s arms. Aienik stood off in the back with Caeda and Bellatala. All three had a puzzled expression. Caeda said, “Is there a problem?”

Saida appeared next to Fariane, fingers sifting through her fur as she said, “...

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