Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty Three (6)
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A row of bone horrors stood guard with a brand-new shadow reaper among them.

Spread out. Support groups keep our backs safe. Everyone else, let’s end this.

Appearing next to Saida, Fariane said, “With me, we are the only two who can keep up with a shadow reaper.”

Grim-faced, she said, “Agreed.”

In a voice that could only be Feno, the black knight, the Shadow reaper stood up on its hind legs and said, “I have failed my master for the last time. He gave me this new body and ordered me to end your lives so that I may redeem myself.”

Roaring in pain, Feno leaped into the air, sending Fariane and Saida flying, swords bloody from piercing the dark knight. Shalendra and Alea targeted the bone horrors along with Penelo, who bounced...

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