Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty Two (4)
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Moments in time. Heartbeats counting down before the end. Whose will it be this time? Vanima wished it could be hers and not Elwin’s. She wanted it to be theirs even more. The dark knight and his god. Shadows swallowing up the light.

Trusting her remaining squad to survive, Vanima focused on Feno. The shadow burst he set off around him was still fresh in her mind. Hiding in the dust cloud created from the spell's aftermath, Vanima circled around and rushed him on his flank.

Energy swelling in her chest, Vanima howled directly into the knight's ear at point-blank range. Hand clasping his ear, Feno whirled around, sword drawing a circle in the dirt. A barrier erupted from the ground where the sword left a mark.

Vanima looked over at Saida as she tossed her weapon in the...

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