Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty Two (3)
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Both elves walking toward Fariane placed their helmets on and unsheathed their long curved blades. One of them looked up and down as if she were just a piece of meat which creeped her out.

“Listen up, darling. Why don’t you make this easy and give up? I promise I'll make it quick.”

Choosing to ignore the taunt, Fariane instructed Asena to corral the two so she could use her eye long enough to sever their magical connection. She couldn’t afford to go easy on them.

Eye flaring to life, Fariane adjusted her stance and charged at both fighters. She reacted before they attacked each time. Each dodge and parry kept her prey on their back foot. Asena could only dodge the frantic strikes that came her way as she dove in and slashed their legs when she could....

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