Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty One (9)
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A single paw emerged under him. Bone sword stabbing up in the air where he should have been. Switching tactics, the beast emerged behind him, front paws slamming into the ground, releasing a shockwave of energy toward Elwin. In the air, after dodging, he waited for it to open another portal before focusing his gravity spell on its back legs, forcing it to crash halfway through. Using the spell on himself, he slammed into its face, digging into its eyes. The soft squelch when he burst its eyes satisfied him.

The shadow reaper roared with renewed rage. Elwin tried to create some space, but not fast enough. It closed the distance, bringing one bone sword down while the other sunk into a pool of shadows from behind. Desperate for a way out, Elwin used an enhanced claw to bash the transformed limb behind h...

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