Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty One (4)
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Fariane guided Penelo and Asena off to the side, giving them space to maneuver. Ievis and Saida were already engaging two of the shadow beasts at range, pulling them into a fight with the pair. The remaining three seemed drawn to the energy coming from her eye. The most potent source of Silvertree’s magic after Vanima.

As of late, she had her moments of doubt if her new white eye had been worth the cost of what she could no longer look away from. It peeled back the shadows and uncovered the truth hidden beneath. Fariane had confidence it could do more if pushed, but only when the time was right.

They had killed plenty of shadow beasts before this encounter, but these monsters were on an entirely different level compared to the dozens of new victims still adjusting to the dark lord&#...

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