Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty One (2)
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Ievis stood next to Saida with his bow held firmly in his grasp, waiting for the next worthy target to appear. A lot had happened ever since the day Penelo ran off into the forest and met an actual god. He was thankful for all Elwin and Vanima had done for his tribe.

Between him, Saida, and Fariane, they had accomplished much ever since the three of them formed as a team when they were kids. That's why Penelo’s father entrusted his daughter's safety to them. It wouldn’t surprise him to find out if the elf had trained them for this very reason ever since she was born.

Much would change after this fight if they all survived this. Penelo wasn’t the same carefree girl she used to be. What would become of their team now that Fariane became the new leader of the Shadow Breake...

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