Elwins Last Stand: Part Twenty One (1)
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Screams of pain and defiance permeated the air on her way down the slope toward General Darunia with Penelo, Fariane, Asena, Ievis and Saida behind her. Vanima could see the remaining flyers fall from the sky all at once. The force of her mate's magic echoed across the battlefield.

On arrival, Vanima surveyed the right flank with optimism.

Greetings, Darunia. With the emergence of the bone horror on the battlefield, Commander Elwin sent my team to secure your position.

With a smile, General Darunia looked down at Vanima and said, "My warriors and I would appreciate your help."

Vanima faced her team and handed out her orders.

Ievis and Saida, I want you to support the back line by offering ranged support. Those shadow beasts leaping in the air won&rsqu...

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