Elwins Last Stand: Part Nineteen (5)
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Cargwyn and her civilian team made a light, hearty meal for everyone, bringing Elwin and the rest of the command team to their share during the final meeting. All five generals, twenty-five officers, which included Tarred and Caeda, one hundred and twenty-five squad leaders, and both scout leaders.

Thank you all for joining me. I will share my battle plan for today’s assault. We will face hundreds of undead that stand idle blocking our way to the gate. We expect more shadow beasts to mix in with the horde. I also expect the appearance of the bone horror that attacked the wall of Unn Thalor to appear.

Darn, Aienik, and Flaryn will line up and act as our frontal assault. Both Pharom and Darunia will flank the enemy on both sides. Work as a team and support each other. Silv...

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